“More than 1 billion people worldwide are obese – 650 million adults, 340 million adolescents and 39 million children. This number is still increasing. WHO estimates that by 2025, approximately 167 million people – adults and children – will become less healthy because they are overweight or obese.

On the occasion of World Obesity Day 2022, WHO is urging countries to do more to reverse this predictable and preventable health crisis.”-March 2022 News release by WHO

Obesity is a serious condition that’s caused by excess body fat. Many people are overweight due to lifestyle choices that aren’t healthy.

Screen time and physical activity are two ways to prevent obesity. Screen time limits help reduce the risk of becoming obese while being physically active prevents it. Although each way is effective, combining them is the best way to prevent obesity.

Limiting screen time is an effective way to prevent obesity.

Obese people are more likely to have higher body counts. Screen time can contribute to this by making people eat more food and spend less time exercising.

Screen time includes television, computer, video game and mobile phone use. There are many different types of screens and they all have the potential to be harmful.

One of the best way to prevent obesity is to limit how much screen time you have. Set a limit on how much screen time you allow yourself each day and stick to it.

Being physically active is also a good way to prevent obesity.

Being physically active helps burn calories and lose weight. There are many different types of exercise, including walking, running and physical activity.

Going to gym for fitness, doing aerobic, or attend yoga exercise are one best solution to maintain healthy. The trained coaches are the one who guides you through your weight loss and health program.

 Find an activity you enjoy and do it every day. Depending on your weight, you may need to do more intense exercise to burn enough calories for weight loss.

 If you want maximum results, you will need to do cardio, strength training and stretching exercises daily.

Although screen time limits are a good way to prevent obesity, some people need to use screens to be mentally stimulated.

Some people don’t have enough screen time at home or school so they use screens at places like coffee shops or libraries. This can be fine if it helps them relieve anxiety or boredom while they’re at school or work.

However, if it becomes too much and causes them to overeat or not exercise enough, they can cause unwanted weight gain.

Some people are too disabled by their weight to be active and burn calories. They may need help from the medical community or a caretaker to stay healthy.

Eat a balanced diet, avoid sweetened drinks, increase plant based food, fruits and vegetables intake in a rainbow colour.

These foods consist of dense nutrients, minerals, and the fiber textures help digestion in the gastrointestinal tract. Excess Cholesterol are excreted together with the stools.

Limit your processed food consumption. These foods are high in fat, salt and sugar which are tempting to the taste buds that cause overeating.

Spread the correct concept of eating healthy food is one way to stay away from the threat of chronic diseases. Family members have too many occasions to have lured to eating  junk food, fast food, soft drinks which are nice to eat, but are bad to health.

The situation is getting worst when they are indulged in the kind of foods they used to eat: because my friends are doing the same.

One thing we should not overlook, caretakers are an essential part of preventing obesity; caretakers can help someone lose weight by limiting how much food they eat or making them exercise every day.

They are the one who can remind the obese person to do things right.

Combining them with physical activity and a healthy diet makes it even more effective since it increases the chances of succeeding with each method individually.

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